A Connecticut Yankee is misplaced in time and space
By Tracy Ouellette
The cast and crew of next weekend’s production of “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” are busy rehearsing and building sets for East Troy High School’s spring play.
The play is based off Mark Twain’s novel of the same name and tells the tale of Hank Bennett, played by senior Jordan Paullin, who gets stuck in King Arthur’s court and can’t quite figure out if what he’s experiencing is real.
“I’m playing it with a little bit of a comedy edge as he struggles to be understood and make sense of reality,” he said.
Senior Courtney Johnson plays his teenage sister, who has all the attitude one might expect.
“It’s my favorite thing to play,” Johnson said. “I like being the mean character.”
Brett McAlister agreed with the sentiment and is having a blast playing Merlin.
“I love playing the bad guy,” he said. “For me, it’s a lot of fun to be the villain and have everyone hate me.”
For many of the drama students, this is their last production at the high school and it’s been a bit bittersweet.
“This is my last show, there’s been 13 of them,” senior Hannah Buchholtz said wistfully. “But this one is a good one, I’ve got a pretty good catfight with Morgan LeFay and there’s a romance between me and Hank.”
While Jared Paullin, who plays King Arthur, said he was enjoying being in power in the play, Brianna Schubert, who plays Queen Guenevere, disputed that.
“She’s really the one in power, not Arthur,” she said. “It’s been fun to wear the crown and have the real power.”
The cast includes Jordan Paullin as Hank Bennett, Courtney Johnson as Marion Bennett/Court member; and Kylee Martens as Mrs. Bennett/Court member. King Arthur’s Court will be played by: Jared Paullin, King Arthur; Brianna Schubert, Queen Guenevere; Nick Schmieden, Clarence; Brooke Schubert, Elaine; Brett McAlister, Merlin; Kelli Larsen, Queen Morgan LeFay; Wyatt Miller, Sir Sagramore; Hannah Buchholtz, Sandy; John Veselka , Sir Lancelot; Zoe Dignan, Jester; Matthew Gilgenbach, Sir Ivanhoe; Ashlyn Dent, Lady Eleanore; Rorye Cieslik, Lady Dinadin; Tara Johnson, Lady Kay.
Additional members of the court include: Joe Blake, Katie Aldred, Grace Bird, Hailey Donahue, Cole Marcinkevic, Samantha Donahue, Emily Erman, Victoria Schloesser, Kellan Woods, Kassidy Stern and Jenna Zabel.
Allison Mengel is the stage manager and Emerson Dignan is the assistant stage manager. Other crewmembers include: Abbey Blair, Caroline Christiansen, Eli Hart and Zach Preiser. Luke Peterson and Austin Smith are handling the sound and lights for the production.
Show times are 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, March 31 and April 1; and 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 2.
For more information, visit www.easttroy.k12.wi.us.