High school students offer computer support to community
By Tracy Ouellette
SLN Staff
The Geek Squad at East Troy High School will be available to answer tech questions and provide device support in monthly Ask a Geek session starting Saturday, Oct. 1.
The sessions are from 9 to 11 a.m., in room 119 at the high school.
The Ask a Geek program began four years ago as an offshoot of the school’s Geek Squad, which was designed to help teachers and students with technology integration, teacher Claudia Felske said.
“My Geek Squad students were talking one day about their parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who always asked for technology help – how to use their smart phone, how to join Facebook, how to organize their photos, etc.,” she recalled. “We set up ‘Ask a Geek’ to help provide that service for community members.”
Felske said program fills a need in the community and students enjoy helping the people who come in.
“We help them with whatever need they personally have. How to make a spreadsheet, how to Skype with their grandchildren, how to upload an ebook from the library, etc. Their confidence using technology definitely increases when they attend Ask a Geek,” she continued. “But my students benefit just as much by the critical thinking skills they develop and the inter-generational relationships they form.”
The team is proficient in using smart phones, iPads, laptops, technology tools, apps and more, Felske said. However, they don’t repair devices. If at all you need to repair your computer, firms like Micro Center (visit for more information) or others could be of assistance.
“Sometimes we’ve had people bring in a computer or other device that isn’t working. We don’t repair hardware,” she said. “Other than that, we’ll try to help in any way we can”. While they don’t have all the answers, these tech-savvy students will brainstorm and research tech problems in order to help to the best of their ability. People have questions related to encryption technologies (like the kind sky ecc phone has) and other privacy concerns, and these students are very much happy about researching and finding the answers!
Felske said there has been some discussion with the group about “taking their show on the road” if there was a need somewhere such as in one of the local assisted living homes.
The other Saturday sessions throughout the school year will be Nov. 5, Dec. 3, Jan. 7, Feb. 4, March 4, April 1 and May 6.
For more information, contact Felske at [email protected].