Lioness Club plans Derby Day fundraiser

By Tracy Ouellette


The community is invited to saddle up for the East Troy Lioness Club’s Derby Day community fundraiser on Saturday, May 7. The event will run from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Ivan’s Backstage, 2087 Division St., East Troy.

The women have a fun-filled afternoon planned with a Kentucky Derby theme, which will include a hat contest, basket raffles, games and, of course, watching the annual race on the big screen.

The Lioness Club will be raising money to help fun its high school scholarship program and other youth-orientated programs in the area.

“Derby Day is our spring fundraiser to supplement our scholarship fund,” Lioness Judy Vandervest said. “We try to give two $1,500 scholarships to graduating seniors and we also like to put funds to other youth activities like T-ball and soccer.”

This is the first Derby Day for the club and organizers say they hope the community will turn out to support the new event.

“We’re going to have ‘pin the tail on the horse,’ special Kentucky Derby drinks and food and Derby trivia, which promises to be interesting,” Vandervest said.

The event will include other fund-raising activities such as a horse-trough dig and the hat contest.

“Denise Price from Square Side Boutique in East Troy is going to be our hat judge,” Vandervest said.

Guests are invited, and encouraged, to dress like they’re going to the Kentucky Derby for the event.

“Please, dress up,” Vandervest said. “Come out and have a good time with us.”

Tickets are $30 each, $55 per couple and include food, beer/wine and all the race-day events.

Tickets are available at Ivan’s; East Troy Hometown Pharmacy, 3284 Main St.; by calling Judy at (262) 642-5480; or online at

For more information, email [email protected].


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