Sorry to see them go

Three long-time educators announce their retirement from East Troy School District

By Tracy Ouellette


Twila Voss, Marge Hell and Bonnie Mann in the East Troy School District submitted their letters of resignation to the School Board Monday night.

Between the three of them, they have more than 75 years of experience educating the children of East Troy.

School Board members and Superintendent Dr. Chris Hibner expressed sorrow at losing such “incredible educators.”

Voss has been with the district for 26 years as a teacher and administrator. She is the principal at Prairie View Elementary School.

School Board President Dawn Buchholtz recalled an incident when her daughter split her chin open after a spin out on the gym floor at her school.

“Twila did such an amazing job butterflying that chin that when we finally got it looked at in the ER they said ‘We’re just going to leave it,’” said School Board President Dawn Buchholtz. “She’s gifted in so many ways.”

Hell is a fifth-grade teacher at Prairie View with 25 years on the books in East Troy.

Mann has more than 30 years experience teaching and has retired once before but came back to the district a few years ago as a reading support teacher. According Hibner, she is retiring for good this time to spend more time with her “beloved husband.”

“I’ve never seen anyone so happy all the time,” said Hibner. “She just makes you feel great.”

“We are extremely grateful to all three for their years of service,” said Buchholtz. “Like Marge said in her letter, it is with mixed emotions that we accept their resignations.”

Summer school fees

The board also voted to charge out of district residents a $100 tuition, plus any material fees, for summer school classes. The fee would allow student to take up to three courses in the East Troy School District.

The exception to this is any WBS classes at the High School, where the out of district student would have to pay the cost of that class.

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