Did you know there’s an ice rink by the library?

By Tracy Ouellette


Village of East Troy President Randy Timms wants the public to know the ice rink located just north of the East Troy Lions Public Library, 3094 Graydon Ave., is open and ready for use.

The rink is maintained by the village’s Department of Public Works and was put into place this year. The location was selected after some consideration and talk of possibly using the Mill Pond, but Timms said that was premature since access was an issue and they finally chose the space near the library because of its proximity to the schools and the library.

“We got to thinking how nice it would be to develop an ice rick for the public last year,” said Timms. “But the temperatures were too warm and last year we had trouble getting a base. This year it’s been the opposite with the severe cold keeping people from coming out.”

Timms said he’d like to see more of the residents enjoy the rink, but acknowledged the frigid temperatures have put a big damper on things so far. He said he hopes the cold snap ends fairly soon so residents can have a little more fun this winter.

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