The East Troy Food Pantry recently received $3,324 through the collaborative effort efforts of the employees and customers of three local businesses.

When the employees of First Citizens State Bank shared information about their plans for the fourth annual bake sale to benefit the East Troy Food Pantry, Troy and Katie Strand of The Grist Mill expressed an interest in helping with the project.
“As local business owners, Katie and I welcomed the opportunity to help. We offered to make a cash donation to the Food Pantry equal to the amount of the sale’s proceeds, as well as to bake a few things.”
Strand took it one step further, however, and challenged his dad, David Strand, CEO and president of Wisconsin Oven Corp., to help as well. David agreed and helped coordinate a donation from the company and its employees, which would be equal to the combined total of the bake sale and the donation from The Grist Mill.
“It is our pleasure to continue to “pay it forward” in the East Troy community,” David Strand said.
The sale of baked goods and chili made by the staff of First Citizens State Bank resulted in a donation of $831, matched by an $831 donation by The Grist Mill. Wisconsin Oven Corp.’s donation from the company and its employees was $1,662, resulting in a total contribution of $3,324.
Delane Kampa, coordinator of the pantry, expressed the organization’s appreciation.
“This money will allow us to continue to help the families who need our help. It is truly amazing,” Kampa said.