The Walworth County Fire Chief’s Association recently honored East Troy’s Rescue Captain for his 30 years of service.
Captain Dick Maass was named 2012 EMS Officer of the Year at the annual awards ceremony for Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Division 103, Walworth County’s Fire Chiefs Association, held Oct. 7 at Ivan’s on the Square in East Troy.
Maass was selected among nominees from each participating department in Walworth County.
The three-decade member of the volunteer rescue squad has been an officer for 26 years.

“When thinking about 30 years that means he has helped out at 30 street dances, 30 Christmas parties, 30 spring banquets, 30 summer picnics, and lastly helped at many burn camps,” said the East Troy Rescue Squad in Maass’ nomination papers.
Maass retired from his post almost two years ago, but returned when he was needed to head up the 25-member squad after its new EMS Captain had to step down due to personal issues.
His first goal upon returning was to train the department’s two new lieutenants.
“This doesn’t include the many things he has help with in the community. He is also a member of Troy Center Fire Department, so he has to balance his time between TCFD, East Troy Rescue Squad, family life and his job,” his squad members said when nominating him for the title. “This takes a lot of practice to do and a very understanding family.”
Maass has also held many positions on the squad and participated in several different committees.
“The rescue squad has turned into a well-oiled machine since Captain Maass has taken charge,” East Troy Rescue said. “He has also seen many changes over the years and he brings that to membership when deciding if the squad is in need of something or if there is a change that is needed.”
Over the past year, Maass has helped in the purchase of a new 2012 ambulance, power cot, Lucas CPR Machine and several other key items needed for purchase.
Members of his fleet described Maass as inspiring and dedicated.
Maass runs an average of 300 EMS calls a year.
“That is roughly half of our call volume for the year,” East Troy Rescue said in the nomination essay.
“He is the first one to volunteer for Friday night football games at the High School,” East Troy Rescue added, “Captain Maass keeps an open door policy with all the members, which makes it easy for any of the members to come to him with a problem and to get it solved.
“He gives the junior officers and the membership someone to look up to. He works very hard with his junior officers forming them into future captains.”
In addition to the volunteer members, Maass also oversees three full-time rescue personnel. He has also delegated and entrusted selected personnel as his service director, training officer, supply ordering, treasurer and secretary.
“There is not a lot of turn over on our rescue squad as Captain Maass keeps the squad morale high and family-like, as there are times that we spend more time with the members on the squad than our own families,” East Troy Rescue said.
The East Troy Area Emergency Services Department also nominated Lt. Dirk Hudson as Fire Officer of the Year and EMT-IV Tech Chase Browne as EMT of the Year.
Mr. Maass definately deserves such recognition. For as long as I have known him (about 12 years), Mr. Maass has always jumped at the opportunity to help out his community in any way possible. Thanks for all you have done for the East Troy area!
Dannett Smith
That’s the thinking of a creative mind