The Walworth County Arts Council held its most recent quarterly meeting at Aram Public Library in Delavan.
At the Oct. 18 meeting, Nancy Rasmussen, president of the arts council, outlined the importance of the library in a community and shared the news of Aram Public Library’s upcoming building project, which is planned for 2024.
On behalf of the Walworth County Arts Council, Rasmussen presented Aram Public Library Foundation President Wayne “Ozzie” Osborn with a check for $500 to be used for the library’s upcoming building project. The council also recognized the historic and artistic significance of the art collection at the library.
Rasmussen next discussed the work being done by the Delavan Blooming Prairie Questers and presented that group with the council’s Friends of the Arts award for 2021. The Friends of the Arts award was given to the Questers for their efforts in restoring cultural works of importance in the community, specifically the restoration of two paintings at Aram Public Library: “Child with Red Pullet” and “Mother and Children,” both by Delavan artist Ada Shulz. Kathy Hankins, president, along with members Mary Atkinson and Sandy Thies, received the award.
The evening’s main program featured Terry Yanke, president of the Friends of Aram Public Library, in what’s described as “an enlightening and fun talk” focusing on the library’s art collection. Delavan had an active art colony in the early 1900s and Aram holds paintings by a number of these artists, Yanke shared with those at the meeting. Yanke also summarized the lives and artistic styles of several of the Delavan painters including Ada, Adolph and Walter Shulz, Alberta Rehm, Frank Dudley, John Vanderpoel, William Thorne and Frank Phoenix.
After the talk, guests were encouraged to wander the library and view its art collection while enjoying refreshments.