Marsicano family sells The Village Supper Club after 55 years
By Michael S. Hoey
The Marsicano family has owned and operated The Village Supper Club on Delavan Lake since 1966. Next week, new owners will attempt to carry on the legacy of the popular supper club because the restaurant will open for the final time under the ownership of brothers Chris and Dave Marsicano on Sept. 12.
“There will definitely be some tears on that day,” Dave said. “It will be hard to imagine not coming into work every day after 55 years.”
Chris said the change will be bittersweet.
“It will be nice to have a Friday off – I wonder what that’s like – but we will miss the people you see every week, the regular customers and the people you work with,” he said.
Chris said that other than when he was in the hospital, he hasn’t had a Friday off for as long as he can remember.
They agree that it was time to move on, in part because of their ages – Dave is approaching 70 and Chris is nearing 60 – and cannot run the place like they used to.
“Running a restaurant is hard,” Chris said. “You have to be here 24/7—the minute you step out that door something goes wrong.”
He said he and Dave have done it all at the restaurant… cooking, bartending, hosting and fixing things around the building. Chris said for most of the time they have owned The Village, they have worked seven days a week. Only during the pandemic and the recent employee shortage did they begin to close one day a week and stop serving lunch.
Now, they’re ready to focus on other things.
“We would like to enjoy life a little before they put you in that box,” Chris said with a smile.
To read more from the extensive interview, see this week’s Delavan Enterprise, Elkhorn Independent or Walworth Times.