Advanced Auto Clinic, Napa make donation to food pantry
Advanced Auto Clinic and the Napa Auto Parts – both in Delavan – recently worked together to raise donations and awareness for the local food pantry.
The Harold Johnson Food Pantry is located in the lower level of St. Andrew’s Church at 714 E. Walworth Ave. in Delavan.
“The pantry is committed to our community’s nutritional needs, and they distribute food donations in a just, friendly, and non-judgmental atmosphere without regard to race, color, or creed,” it states on the website.
Advanced Auto Clinic and Napa teamed up to feature a special on “Cabin Air Filter Service.” For each service performed, $20 was donated, and over $1,000 was raised for the pantry.
The pantry accepts monetary and non-perishable food items. The monetary donations are used to purchase other non-perishable food items, fresh fruit, vegetables, and meat. All contributions to the pantry are tax-deductible.
Food donations can be canned, boxed, or plastic containers only – no glass. Pantry representatives remind donors not to give expired items.
“Thank you for helping to make a healthy difference for those in our community that are in need,” they states.
The owner of Advanced Auto Clinic, Tony Lynn, dropped off the donation at the food pantry on Feb. 13.
“These times have been strenuous on many families, and we all need to do our part to keep our community strong,” Lynn said.
Check out the video of the donation event on Advance Auto Clinic Delavan’s page on Facebook.
The Harold Johnson Food Pantry is open Saturdays from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. For more information, contact the pantry by calling 262-374-3503 or visiting the website at DelavanFoodPantry.com.