Meaningful Day program now provides day services in county
A Janesville nonprofit organization has begun a program in Walworth County that aims to give people with disabilities the opportunity to engage in their community and take advantage of its amenities.
Aptiv Inc., which provides services for individuals with disabilities in 42 Wisconsin counties, launched its A Meaningful Day program in Delavan on June 15 with two participants. The participants, both 21-year-old men with autism, will spend their days volunteering, engaging in civic opportunities, learning curriculum and practicing activities of daily living such as shopping, cooking and budgeting within Walworth County communities.
The participants – Jacob Jordan, of Whitewater, and Nathan Fidler, of Elkhorn — and two Aptiv staff members – Wynter Sandstrom, of Sharon, and Michael Ehlers, of Janesville – begin their day at the United Church of Christ in Delavan, which is hosting the program’s Walworth County site.
“We’re excited,” said Delavan UCC Pastor Micah Schlobohm. “We have had people say before Aptiv came that we needed a program like theirs.”
The program, as its name suggests, is focused on providing a meaningful day for adults with disabilities by teaching them to use amenities that are available in their own communities, advocate for themselves and be a part of their communities.
Both Jordan and Fidler attended Lakeland School’s LSYou and were well prepared for community-based curriculum as a result.
Aptiv approached the Delavan UCC about hosting the program several months ago and was impressed with how the church’s mission of inclusiveness aligns with Aptiv’s missions of aptitude, adaptations, ability and living.
“Our big thing is that we think the realm of God includes everyone regardless of who they are or what their abilities are,” Schlobohm said.
Aptiv will take advantage of the large kitchen and cafeteria in the church’s lower level to practice meal planning, cooking, serving and cleaning up. The UCC has welcomed additional activity at the church, Schlobohm said.
“All of us were excited about having people in the building,” she said.
Participants also have begun volunteering outdoors in the community and will take advantage of indoor activities as COVID-19 precautions lift. Jordan and Fidler spend four hours a week at Congdon Gardens – pulling weeds and then taking advantage of the park’s amenities when their work is done.
“I was very appreciative of what they did,” said Dori Block, who coordinates volunteers at the gardens for the Delavan-Darien Rotary Club. “They did more than I expected them to do. They attacked those thistles with a vengeance!”
Like the UCC, the Rotary welcomed additional use of the park as participants cast a few lines into the pond at Congdon Gardens when they’d attacked enough thistles for the day.
“I’m glad they got the chance to fish too,” Block said.
A Meaningful Day participants plan to begin volunteering outdoors at Inspiration Ministries soon and welcome additional opportunities in the community. Aptiv is limiting the size of the group initially to ensure participants are able to practice social distancing, proper hygiene and other COVID-19 precaution but plans to ultimately admit eight to 10 participants into the program.
Organizations interested in having participants volunteer or individuals with disabilities interested in joining the program may contact Vicky Wedig, community outreach specialist with Aptiv, at (608) 563-5672 or [email protected].