Aram youth librarian offering readings from creepy cellar
In a delightfully Blair Witch-esque opening, Katherine Schoofs, Youth Librarian at Aram Public Library welcomes her weekly viewers into her creepy cellar for a round of scary stories.
Aimed at ages 12 and up, Schoofs shares a variety of stories and legends aimed to send shivers down your spine.
“There’s something delightfully fun about being scared, especially when it’s over the top and silly and you know that – in actuality –you’re completely safe and out of harm’s way,” Schoofs said.
“As a child, I devoured scary stories and legends. It’s an interest that has continued into adulthood and I wanted to recreate that excitement for my audience,” she added.
Scary Stories is held weekly, at 9 p.m., on Saturday on Instagram @Aramlibrary.