Delavan’s Highlands neighborhood creates video
As many stay home to stop the spread of the coronavirus, drive-by birthday parties and socially distanced get-togethers have become the norm for many.
Delavan resident Carrie Townsend saw a video online of a neighborhood flash mob and said she knew exactly what she wanted to do. So she teamed up with resident Becky Wardlow to do the groundwork. Once people were on board, they filmed the residents of the Highlands in a quarantine neighborhood flash mob.
“We wanted the community to have something to look forward to. We also wanted to include the three restaurants that are all located within one mile of our subdivision and the local police department. Everyone we spoke to was excited to join in,” Wardlow said.
They drove throughout the neighborhood with the song, “I Gotta Feeling” by The Black Eyed Peas blaring from the vehicle and while making their way through the Highlands, recorded people.
“Residents joined in the fun by dancing and performing various skits,” Wadlow said.
Much to their surprise, while filming they captured a rotten tree snapping as a young lady who was on a tire swing fell to the ground. Thankfully, no one was hurt.
“Everyone laughed. It was such a fantastic day in our neighborhood… Everyone was smiling ear-to-ear,” Wadlow said.
“We hope our video brings a smile to your day as well,” she added.
The video can be viewed online at https://youtu.be and then searching “The Highlands Quarantine Flash Mob.” As of earlier this week, the nearly 5-minute video had been viewed more than 5,100 times.
Wardlow and Townsend also offered special thanks to all who participated.
“Thank you to the Town of Delavan Police Department, South Shore Bar & Grill, Watershed, Fire2Fork, the Highlands residents, our friends, the fishermen and the kayakers for participating,” they said.
Hashtags included with the post are: #WeAreTheHighlands, #dancingfromadistance, #DelavanWI, #neighbordanceparty, #LakeLife and #2020memories.