Turkey dinner giveaway in Delavan turns into so much more
Sometimes it’s the simple ideas that grow into the biggest events and that’s precisely what happened in Delavan early last week.
Rafael Hernandez wanted to find a way to help people during this trying time.
“We are experiencing very challenging times. Many businesses are shuttered or functioning at diminished capacity. People are laid-off, unemployed, or overworked and overwhelmed,” a flyer said.
Hernandez planted a seed of wanting to give away 150 frozen turkeys. Thrivent Lutheran donated $500 toward the event and Hernandez was going to make up the difference, if that wasn’t enough money.
“Turkey is a great choice to help families in need. It is high in protein and the possibilities for leftovers are endless,” the flyer stated.
He said he wasn’t looking for help but when he posted it on Facebook to advertise it, many people volunteered to add on to the donation, beginning with Chris Marsicano’s donation of 150 gallons of milk.
“In addition, we are also helping the dairy farmers by including 150 gallons of milk,” it stated.
Hernandez said several people donated items, others donated cash, one donated lottery tickets, Noble Insurance donated tote bags to put the items in and Home Lumber donated paper bags, just to name a few.
“A loving part of our community has stepped up to help their neighbors by putting groceries together for a meal that will feed their family,” the flyer said.
A group of volunteers met April 12, the day prior to pack bags, 175 in all, and then load them into trucks as the turkey giveaway took place at the municipal lot on 7th Street.
Hernandez said he was overwhelmed by the response.
“It has been phenomenal,” he said.
At the bottom of the flyer is a fitting quote by Fred Rogers:
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”
Thanks for being out front.