Counting the homeless

Free soup will be served during the Point in Time Count from 10:30 p.m. to midnight, at Horticulture Hall, 330 Broad St., Lake Geneva.

Point in Time Count to be conducted Jan. 22 and 23

A Point in Time Count is an unduplicated count of people experiencing homelessness during a designated one-night period that takes place across the nation. Wisconsin conducts this count twice per year; once in January and once in July.

The count is intended to include persons that are homeless and are living in an emergency shelter, transitional housing, safe havens, domestic violence shelters, or who are unsheltered living on the streets or any other place not meant for human habitation.

PIT is a “snapshot” of what homelessness looks like in a neighborhood, city, or state. Personal information will not be collected. The data collected is reported to the U.S. Congress and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. These PIT counts are a critical piece of ensuring funding remains in our community to serve those who are homeless.

Organizers are asking anyone who is homeless to contact them. They will have a survey for participants to fill out. Participants will receive a bag with variety of items, including food, hats, gloves, socks, hand warmers, a blanket, gift cards, etc.

People who are homeless can go to one of the following locations to meet up with us or call Isabel at [email protected] or 262-723-6123, ext. 7, to make arrangements to meet up to be counted. Area locations for the count include:

  • Horticulture Hall, 330 Broad St., Lake Geneva, 10:30 p.m. to midnight, Wednesday, Jan. 22. Free soup will be provided;
  • Aram Library, 404 E Walworth Ave., Delavan, 9 to 10:30 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 23;
  • Matheson Memorial Library, 101 N. Wisconsin St., Elkhorn, 9 to 10:30 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 23;
  • Those staying at the Spirit of Hope Homeless Shelter and Twin Oaks Shelter for the Homeless will be counted that evening.

Organizers say if you know someone who is homeless, give them this information and encourage them to meet up and get counted.

If you want to help, volunteers and donations are appreciated. Contact Isabel to discuss ways to assist.


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