It’ll support local Food in a Backpack program
A local program that helps ensure kids at Turtle Creek Elementary School have food to eat over the weekend recently received an offer that will be a big help.
“We are excited to announce a matching gift by Monroe Funeral Home to the Turtle Creek Food in a Backpack program,” said Pastor Dick Inglett, who oversees the program in the Delavan area.
At the end of each school week, students at Turtle Creek Elementary can receive a small grocery bag of food to tide them over for the weekend, he explained.
Mac n’ cheese, soup and oatmeal are examples of items included in the bags.
“It’s not a lot; just enough to make sure they have food,” Inglett said, adding that food, 70 to 100 bags, is sent home with students the last day of the week throughout the school year.
The program is entering its fifth year of providing this service to children in the community. Historically, the Food in a Backpack program at Turtle Creek Elementary has been funded and distributed by six Delavan area churches: Christ Episcopal, Faith Baptist, First Baptist, Luther Memorial, Sugar Creek Lutheran Church and United Church of Christ of Delavan.
“Each congregation contributes $1,000 to a general fund that can provide 70 children with a bag of food each week of the school year,” Inglett said.
In past years – with community support and partial funding from the National Blessings in a Backpack entity – the local program has been able to feed up to 120 children at Turtle Creek.
But as of the current, 2019-2020 school year, the grant from the national Blessing in a Backpack organization ended.
“Delavan schools are no longer receiving those funds. Which is why we changed the name and are turning to the community,” Inglett said.
“To kick start this community funding and community support, Monroe Funeral Home in Delavan is offering a challenge gift of up to $1,000. You, your business or community service organization can participate by sending or bringing funds directly to Turtle Creek Elementary,” he added.
The deadline for the matching grant is Oct. 17. Donations should be marked “Monroe Challenge Grant” and checks made out to “Turtle Creek Elementary School.” They can be sent to the school at 1235 Creek Rd., Delavan, WI 53115.