Park naming contest open to town residents until Nov. 5
The Town of Delavan Park and Tourism Committee is hosting a park naming contest for its parks in the inlet.
Inlet Park No. 1 is off of Cool Street and Inlet Park No. 2 is off of Summer Street. Contestants can be any age but must be a resident of the Town of Delavan.
Entries will be accepted until 1 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 5. If more than one contestant submits the name chosen, a random drawing of the duplicate entries will determine the winner.
Kevin Kiekhafer, who chairs the Park & Tourism Committee said they’re looking forward to reading submissions.
“We are excited to be involving the community in the naming process. I can’t wait to read the suggestions,” Kiekhafer said.
“We have five beautiful public parks in the Town of Delavan. We look forward to more visitors as the community helps with naming the parks,” Katherine Gaulke, co-chair of the committee, added.
The Park & Tourism Committee will screen all of the submissions at the November monthly meeting. They will select three names to forward to the Town of Delavan Board. The Town Board will then review and make a selection at their November meeting.
The individual(s) who come up with the winning names will be featured on the Town of Delavan website, be acknowledged at the December Town of Delavan Board Meeting and be acknowledged in press releases and/or on social media.
Contest entry forms can be found online at TownOfDelavan.com or can be picked up at the Town Hall, 5621 Town Hall Rd., Delavan, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Entry forms will also be available at the Town’s Oktoberfest event, Saturday, Oct. 19 from 3:30 to 9 p.m. and at the Town’s Community Trick or Treating event from 3 to 5 p.m. – both at the Community Park Building, 1220 South Shore Dr., at the intersection of Highway 50 and South Shore Drive.