School Board approves new WUSD summer school classes

By Dave Fidlin



Whitewater Unified School District officials were entertaining warm weathered thoughts at this week’s School Board meeting as a presentation on new components of this year’s summer school program took place.

Justin Crandall, athletic director, and Jason Bleck, an equitable multi-level system of support specialist, gave a presentation on three new course offerings within this year’s summer school program at the Jan. 27 meeting. The School Board voted unanimously in favor of the plans presented at the conclusion of the presentation.

Big-picture, this year’s summer school program will take place Monday through Thursday, from June 9 through July 3. The summer school program will take place on the designated dates from 8 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Crandall and Bleck presented three new credit-earning course offerings this summer: physical education survey, exploratory tech and energy and small engines. Each course includes a 0.5-credit value.

Based on the plans in motion, any student missing more than two class periods within the three specific offerings will be removed from the class because of the truncated nature of the schedule.

For the full story, please see the print edition of the Whitewater Register.

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