By Jennifer Eisenbart
What started as a fire in a pile of logs at Gifford Tree Service turned into a multi-alarm blaze Saturday on the edge of the City of Delavan.
It was one of three major fires over the weekend in the area, including a field fire in Walworth Sunday afternoon.
According to City of Delavan Fire Chief Tim O’Neill, shortly after 4 p.m. on Oct. 5, the Walworth County Communications Center received a 911 call for a fire at Gifford on Pinnow Road.
O’Neill said a pile of logs at the tree trimming service were on fire, as well as equipment.
The fire department, along with auto aid from the Town of Delavan, was on scene within 10 minutes, but “we could see the smoke as we left the station in Delavan,” O’Neill said.
The logs were in a space about the size of a football field, and stacked about 10 feet high. The fire then spread to the farm fields to the north.
In the end, five Mutual Aid Box Alarm System alarms were pulled, with companies assisting from six different counties – Walworth, Rock, Jefferson, Waukesha, Racine and McHenry (Illinois).
It took until 11:15 p.m. to get the fire fully under control, and O’Neill said the initial companies on scene were “instrumental” in keeping the fire from spreading further to north.
For the full story, please see the print edition of the Delavan Enterprise.