Lecture continuation of ‘Scholarly Scoop’
By Tom Ganser
Eric Loepp continued his Scholarly Scoop series with “Trump’s America One Year In: Accomplishments, Failuers and What We can Expect in 2018.”
“In politics, one person’s success is another person’s failure whether we are talking about cutting Medicaid or increasing taxes or drilling in the Arctic,” Loepp said.
Loepp is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. He presented the lecture at the Starin Park Community Building on Dec 1.
Loepp repeated a theme throughout his lecture.
“A lot of things that the Trump administration had gotten done are things that are not getting that much attention,” Loepp said.
For more on the Scholarly Scoop lecture, check out the Dec. 21 edition of the Whitewater Register.