The Whitewater Unified School District received an overall accountability rating of “Meets Expectations” when the report card reports were released.
Report cards were released on Nov. 17 by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. The district and each school received its own report card that evaluated its performance based on multiple measures.
Whitewater High School and Middle School also received ratings of “Meets Expectations” on state report cards.
The three elementary schools in Whitewater increased their ratings from previous years, with Lincoln Elementary receiving a rating of “Exceeds Expectations” and Lakeview and Washington Elementary Schools each receiving a rating of “Significantly Exceeds Expectations.”
“As a district, we were very happy to see our report card scores, but we will always continue to expect further improvement in teaching and learning,” said Kelly Seichter, the district director of curriculum and instruction. “These report cards cannot measure all of the important work that happens in our schools and district. We pair any conversations about our state report cards with additional data and stories that tell a fuller picture of opportunities and performance.”
District Administrator Mark Elworthy said district staff take great pride in how our students perform academically.
For more on the report cards, see the Nov. 23 edition of the Whitewater Register.