By Ryan Spoehr
SLN Staff
After saving the life of a person trapped underwater last June, Eagle Police officers Francisco Emanuele and Jared Glaze were each given the Life Saving Medal for their efforts.
“This is quite exciting because it’s nice to showcase the work our police officers everyday,” Eagle Police Chief Gregg Duran said. “Officers – we touch lives, but it’s not always that we have that time comes when we are in the right place and right time where we get to save a life.”
The medals were awarded during the Nov. 9 Village Board meeting.
On June 25 at approximately 12:15 a.m., Emanuele was on patrol near Eagle Village Park when he noticed what appeared to be movement in a drainage ditch.
After exiting his vehicle to investigate, Emanuele realized there was a person in the water who was unable to escape the ditch or even keep his head above water.
“I guess you can say I got lucky in a way because I just happened to see him,” Emanuele said. “I was being alert and observant. You always have an eye on what’s going on out there, and I just happened to catch my eye.”
For more about the awards and reaction from Emanuele and Glaze, pick up the Nov. 17 edition of The Enterprise of Palmyra and Eagle.