By John Koski
SLN Staff
A Walworth County Sheriff’s Deputy shot and killed a jail inmate Monday evening at Aurora Lakeland Medical Center near Elkhorn, according to Walworth County Sheriff David Graves.
Jail inmate Alfredo Emilio Villarreal, 18, of Janesville, had been transferred from the Walworth County Jail for medical treatment.
“The inmate was released from his shackles to use the restroom,” Graves said at a news conference Tuesday afternoon, “and at that time the inmate attacked my deputy, kicking him in the face and beating him around the head.
“During that struggle,” Graves continued, “the deputy’s taser was deployed, but it didn’t stop the inmate. Eventually the struggle went into the entryway of the room.

“The inmate then grabbed a chair and tried to bust a window out so he could escape,” Graves said. “When my deputy re-entered the room, the inmate swung the chair at my deputy’s head, at which time the deputy had no other choice than to use his weapon.
“My deputy did everything he could to avoid using deadly force,” Graves continued. “Unfortunately, due to the inmate’s actions, the deputy believed his life and the lives of those around him were in eminent danger at that time.”
Villareal, who was shot in the torso, was pronounced dead at the scene.
Graves declined to say if more than one shot had been fired.
Investigation of the incident has been turned over to the Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department.
“It’s customary with us to turn the investigation to another agency,” Graves said, adding that the deputy involved in the incident is on administrative duty.
“The officer protected our caregivers and patients,” said Adam Beeson, media representative for Aurora Lakeland Medical Center. “Afterward, the law enforcement personnel at the scene really did a good job of helping our hospital staff handle the situation. They really stepped up to support us.
“I think the bottom line at this point,” Beeson said, “is that the safety of our visitors, patients and caregivers was maintained.”
Villarreal was incarcerated in Walworth County on a probation and parole hold from the state Department of Corrections.
This story will be updated as more information is received.