A Sugar Creek man was arrested last Saturday after his pit bulls attacked Walworth County Sheriffs deputies who were following up on a complaint from his neighbor.
Charges including trespassing, battery to a peace officer, resisting arrest, failing to comply with an officer and disorderly conduct are pending for Daniel White, 40, who allegedly punched a deputy in the face before his dogs attacked both the deputy and his partner.
According to a press release from the Walworth County Sheriff’s Office, at approximately 12:38 p.m. Sept. 22, police were called to an Oak Lane home in the Town of Sugar Creek for a report of White trespassing onto the property and allegedly threatening two girls who were at the home.
Deputies John Czerwinski and Matt Weber followed up with White at his Memorial Drive home, the report states, where he refused to speak to them outside of his fenced yard, provide identification, or secure his two dogs, despite several requests to do so.
When the deputies opened the gate to White’s driveway in order to place him under arrest, he reportedly punched Czerwinski in the face and both pit bulls attacked the deputies.
As Czerwinski, struggled with one of the dogs, Weber deployed his taser gun, releasing the attacking dog.
White was then taken to Walworth County Jail where he was booked and released. He is now out on bond, according to the release, awaiting charges from the Walworth County DA’s office.
Weber and Czerwinski both suffered bites to the arm, and White was reportedly bitten in the face.
According to Capt. Scott McClory, the deputies were taken to a local hospital, checked out and released.
Czerwinski sustained multiple scrapes across his face and a black eye.
“He is on light duty currently but we believe he will return to full duty by the end of this week,” McClory stated in an email.
McClory said he does not believe the dog hit with a taser was injured, and an investigation into their vaccinations and other history is ongoing.
The dogs remain with White as of now, he added.