Get out and vote:
Polls will open for the Tuesday, Aug. 14 partisan primary election at 7 a.m. and will stay open until 8 p.m. Contact your local municipal clerk for polling places.
Walworth County residents will decide next Tuesday, who, among three Republican candidates will advance from the partisan primary election to the Nov. 6 general election.
Robert P. Kordus Jr., Lake Geneva; Toni Loftus, of Elkhorn, and Donna Pruess, of Elkhorn will be on Tuesday’s ballot.
Whoever garners the most votes will face off in the general election with the lone Democratic candidate Sue Finster, of Elkhorn,
The four candidates came forward shortly after incumbent Connie Woolever announced she would not seek an additional term after 14 of being elected to the county’s Register of Deeds office.
The office carries a four-year-term, which begins Jan. 7.
Here’s what the candidates in the primary election said about their bid for office:
Reason for seeking position?
Loftus:“Today is a great time to get involved in local government. With the budgetary issues that are facing counties I believe my experience would be an asset to serve in my local community. I am a supporter of Gov. Walker and have been an advocate for his Fraud Waste and Abuse initiatives. I

believe my experience in accounts receivable fits well with helping to address those issues here in the county which I reside.”
Pruess: “I feel that the register of deeds should be someone that has knowledge about the office. I have the knowledge and experience after working in the office for several years. In the 31 years that I have worked for Walworth County, all of my duties have related to the Register of Deeds office.”
Kordus: “As a lifelong resident of Wisconsin, I felt it was time to use the experience I have gained in my successful business career, proven leadership ability and dedication, to serve the people of Walworth County. It is an important part of our grassroots effort, that we fill our local city, town, village and county positions with solid active conservatives. While not an overtly partisan position, my goal is to bring the skills dedication and leadership to the position and when called upon to be a consistent reliable conservative voice in the county.”
How does the register of deeds affect county residents?
Kordus: “The Register of Deeds Office is the official county repository for documents of significance to both the community as a whole and to its individual citizens. Primarily focused on real estate records, but also including vital records such as birth, death, marriage and military discharge papers.”
Loftus: “The register of deeds office affects all of the residents of Walworth County since all of our historical land records and the documents that affect our property are housed there. All vital records are recorded at the office of register of deeds, property deeds, birth certificates, death certificates and marriage licenses, etc.”
Pruess: “From birth to death, you need the services that the office of register of deeds provides. Certified copies of birth, marriage and death certificates are made in the office. Documents pertaining to ownership of real estate are recorded in the office. Surveys done by private surveyors are filed in the office. The office keeps current ownership information along with legal descriptions, assessment, sales and real estate tax information. The real estate tax bills are produced by this office.”

What makes you a better candidate for the office over your opponents?
Pruess: “I have the experience of working in the office. I have knowledge of every different aspect of the office. I have knowledge of the Wisconsin State Statutes as they pertain to the functions of the office.”
Loftus: “I have 23 years in office management. My expertise is in process improvement, improving efficiency and reducing costs. Being a resident of Walworth County for the past 18 years, I have a vested interest in assuring that the office runs efficiently for the least amount of expense to the taxpayers.”
Kordus: “I have managed multimillion dollar budgets and have a proven track record in project and program management, and am proficient in managing complex data and document solutions through process improvement and better technology. I have been an active member of the Republican Party of Walworth County since coming to the area and am endorsed for the position by the following; Rep. Tyler August, Rep. Dave Craig, Town of Lyons Treasurer Geri Henningfield, Jeff and Sharon Knight, Village of Williams Bay President John Marra, Rep. Steve Nass, City of Delavan Mayor Mel Nieuwenhuis, Clerk of Circuit Courts Sheila Reiff, former Governor Tommy Thompson, East Troy Village Board Member Randy Timms, Rep. Evan Wynn.”
What is the most important issue facing the county related to the position and what do you intend to do about it during your term in office?
Kordus: “It is my goal as a conservative leader to make sure that the Registers office continues to not only operate as efficiently as it has in the past, but to make sure it is being run as efficiently as it can in the future, using the tools and technology available.”
Pruess: “Technology is continually changing. I think it is extremely important to keep up with all of these changes. With technology changes, I will try to find ways to have the office run more
efficiently to reduce costs.”
Loftus: “The current trends in foreclosure will continue to be a big issue for the office if the economy continues to remain flat. It will be important that the office is able to maintain accurate records and assure that all documentation is received and filed appropriately.”
If elected, what would be your top three priorities?
Loftus: “I will continue to monitor changes in technology to improve services and reduce budget expenditures. I want the office and the website to be more user friendly and would like to study to see if the services of the office can be less costly to those who use the office. I believe the office budget is high and will look for ways to reduce the costs of the office so that those dollars can be allocated to an area of greater need within the county.”

Kordus: “Maintain the efficiency and integrity of the registers office. Evaluate process and procedures for performance improvement. Review the technology, processes and systems currently in use to ensure that the taxpayer of Walworth County are receiving both quality and value for the tax dollars spent.”
Pruess: “Providing the best possible customer service possible. Keeping up with technology as it affects every aspect of the office. Continuing the cross training of office staff.”
What advice do you give to citizens who need to do a title search?
Pruess: “The best possible advice is to tell them to contact a title company. The office will show them how to look up ownership information and also how to look up documents that have been recorded on their property. The office also has surveys that have been filed by surveyors.”
Loftus: “It is important to have the address and land description when doing a title search, the office currently does a terrific job of doing their best to assist the customers they serve.”
Kordus: “Contact your Registers office with the address and property description of the parcel you are looking to research. When doing a title search, you are typically looking for specific information such as owners name, date of recording, outstanding liens or encumbrances. You can also find what financial institutions may have an interest in the property. If you are looking at purchasing a property, most financial institutions will require you to go through a Title Company to get an insured copy of your title.”
Toni Loftus
Address: W4725 Pine Court, Elkhorn
Age: 46
Occupation: Accounts receivable management at Rock Energy Cooperative in Janesville
Education: Holds certificates in business management, coaching and development, and effective communication from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Political experience: None
Organizations: None
Donna Pruess
Address: 625 Balsam Drive, Elkhorn
Age: 55
Occupation: Walworth County Real Property Lister
Education: 1974 graduate of Elkhorn Area High School, associate degree in accounting from Gateway Technical Institute
Political experience: None
Organizations: Wisconsin Real Property Lister’s Association, Matheson Memorial Library Board of Trustees
Bob Kordus
Address: 320 S. Boulder Ridge Drive, Lake Geneva
Age: 50
Occupation: Program director, CCG-Catalyst Consulting Group; previously vice president of First Banking Center (now Talmer Bank)
Education: bachelor’s degree in business administration, Carroll College, Waukesha
Political experience: None
Organizations: Republican Party of Walworth County, Walworth County Pregnancy Helpline Board of Directors and financial director; Knights of Columbus, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, Lake Geneva