
News from the Whitewater area


TIF amendment approved by council

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent After deliberation by a number of different governing bodies, a plan to amend the scope of one of Whitewater’s tax-incremental financing (TIF) districts has been set in stone. The changes are designed to spur additional development on the city’s northeast side. After receiving a strong recommendation […]


City officials approve utility rate hike

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent The long and winding road toward a user rate formula for Whitewater’s wastewater treatment plant and the sanitary sewer utility has come to a close. After extensive deliberation throughout 2015, the Common Council on Jan. 19 adopted a new user rate structure and a connection fee […]


Immersed in science

Whitewater Middle School sixth graders, Blake Wegner (above, front from left), Calvin Baker, Anisa Dauti (back) and Savannah Hill don safety goggles at Science Immersion Day at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Jan. 29. The students attended three lab sessions in the morning to learn about chemistry, fossils and ancient river […]


Speaking out

      Whitewater City Council Chambers overflows with people at Tuesday night’s informational meeting hosted by the city’s Community Development Authority regarding local grocery needs since Sentry closed last month. Many residents and business owners used the opportunity to speak including Marie Koch (inset) who said the owner of […]