
News from the Whitewater area


City part of Jefferson County’s future

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent The City of Whitewater might straddle two counties, but the leader of a Jefferson County-based economic development organization said the community plays an important role in the future of the region. Genevieve Coady, director of the Jefferson County Economic Development Consortium (JCEDC) came before the Common […]


Pass the pasta, please

Whitewater High School FFA members, from the left: Max Reid, Darrick Riggs, Caleb Gard, Katy Carlson, Courtney Frie, Allyson Carlson, Anna Lucht, and Kade Vance serve up spaghetti at last year’s annual event, sponsored by the Whitewater FFA Alumni. This year’s dinner is set for 5 to 8 p.m., tonight, […]


On the run

      Top: The Easter bunny gives out free hugs at the UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club’s annual Easter Egg Hunt event Saturday at Whitewater Middle School. Below: a group of kids take off hunting eggs on school grounds. After all the eggs were collected, they were turned in for a […]


Wastewater project partnership approved 4-3

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent The ongoing discussion of the future of Whitewater’s wastewater treatment plant reached a new chapter last week when a potential public-private partnership for one component of the project bubbled to the surface. While city officials capped off 2015 with a plan to allocate $20.7 million toward […]


Council supports lakes study

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Whitewater’s two local bodies of water — Cravath and Trippe lakes — could receive some tender loving care this year after city officials have backed a series of proposals. The city had unsuccessfully sought grant dollars from the state Department of Natural Resources to study the […]


Five on the ballot for four council seats

By Tom Ganser Correspondent On Mar. 12, four candidates appearing on the April 5 ballot for the Whitewater Common Council participated in a forum sponsored by the Whitewater Area League of Women Voters. Forum participants included: Aldermanic District 1 incumbent member Patrick Wellnitz and challenger Kenneth Kienbaum along with incumbent […]