
News from the Whitewater area


Planting for the future

      Sarah Lee and Rachel Berry (back), of US Cellular, speak to fourth and fifth grade students from Mr. and Mrs. Meinel’s classes at Washington Elementary School April 18 prior to handing out white spruce seedlings to the students and encouraging them to plant the trees in honor […]


Community Foundation offering new grants

The Whitewater Community Foundation recently announced a new Community Action Grant program. The Foundation has created an avenue that individuals and organizations may use to further their dreams. The goal is to fund community projects that create a more vibrant and culturally diverse atmosphere in education, community development, artistic, and […]


Council gives nod to apply for DNR grant

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent As efforts to grow and improve Whitewater’s stormwater infrastructure continue, city officials are again turning to a state agency for possible funding assistance. The Common Council on April 7 gave the green light to apply for a so-called urban nonpoint source grant from the Wisconsin Department […]


La Grange UMC to celebrate 100 years

By Tom Ganser Correspondent On April 24, La Grange United Methodist Church will celebrate 100 years of spiritual leadership in its current building that was dedicated in 1916 during a re-consecration service at 10 a.m., one hour later than the regular time for Sunday worship. During the service, the Lord’s […]


UW-Whitewater awarded for Leadership Academy

The National Association of Academic Advisors recently selected the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater as recipient of the 2016 Model Practice Award for Student-Athlete Development for Athletics. The Warhawk Leadership Academy, a comprehensive student-athlete leadership development program launched last September, will be honored by N4A during a luncheon at the National Association […]


City Market given green light to expand

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent On the heels of a successful pilot launch last year, Downtown Whitewater’s City Market is returning for a second go-around this year. The civic organization launched the City Market during the second half of last year’s warm weather season, and decision-makers said they were pleased by […]


Couple teams up for artwork show

By Heather Ruenz SLN Staff The artwork of Wauwatosa couple Julia Collins and Ron Zdroik is on display at Whitewater Arts Alliance’s Cultural Arts Center through April 24. The show, “ART X 2,” is free and open Thursday through Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. Collins’ work is paintings and […]