Walworth-Fontana area

News from communities on the west side of Geneva Lake

Walworth-Fontana area

Teaming up to help save lives

Walworth auto shop donates vehicles to fire department By Penny Gruetzmacher Correspondent Last week, members of the Walworth Fire Department made an extended stop at O’Neillz Automotive in Walworth. They weren’t there to have a vehicle serviced, but for what could be considered a much more important task –training in […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Making the rounds

In addition to wheels on display, Pearce’s 6th Annual Classic Car and Tractor Show featured live music, kids’ games and food including fresh cider donuts. Bob and MaryAnn Pearce visit with attendees while making the rounds in a golf cart. See more photos in the Times/Reporter. (Penny Gruetzmacher photo)

Walworth-Fontana area

Ready to serve

From the left: Geneva Lake West Rotary Club members Becky Merwin, Heidi Alten, Doug Parker, Phill Klamm and Tom Beci get ready to hand out meal boxes at their improvised corn and brat pickup event Aug. 15 since they had to cancel the corn and brat fest, one of their […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Waterfront display

The annual Williams Bay Fine Art and Fine Craft Festival held in Edgewater Park the weekend of July 25 and 26 featured a wide variety of arts and crafts, awards, food and beverages, and live entertainment. The vendors were spread out and it appeared as if most vendors and shoppers […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Showing support

The July 18 pig roast dinner and silent auction benefit and fundraiser for Mark Voltz, of Linn, held at the Walworth County Fairgrounds, drew a great amount of support. Voltz sustained a brain injury in December and is now home with round-the-clock care as he continues to make progress. From […]