Walworth-Fontana area

News from communities on the west side of Geneva Lake

Walworth-Fontana area

Karaoke kids

At Karaoke Night, an event sponsored by the Fine Arts Booster Club March 15 at Williams Bay High School, (from the left) Amanda Hansen, Gina Digieso, Katie Callahan, Katie Monroe, Kylie Monroe and Kory Wilson get the crowd going with “Don’t Stop Believing.” (Penny Gruetzmacher photo)

Walworth-Fontana area

Friday night out

At the Friday Lenten All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry Dinner at St. Benedict Catholic Church in Fontana on March 23, Luke De Marco, 6, of Fontana Community Church, helps clear the plate of Bill Hoyt, of Delavan. Each week, a different charity is chosen as the beneficiary from the Lenten dinners. (Penny […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Special ride

At the Easter Egg Hunt at Duck Pond on March 31, an annual event sponsored by the Big Foot Recreation District, Fontana Fire Chief Wolfgang Nitsch (left) grabs a picture of the Easter Bunny while Captain Kyle Ketterhagen holds the door. (Penny Gruetzmacher photo)