Walworth-Fontana area

News from communities on the west side of Geneva Lake

Walworth-Fontana area

Parade power

Big Foot High School’s Homecoming parade Sept. 28 included juniors Noah Todd (front, from left), Haden Tipps, Melissa Konkel and Grant Brongiel on their class float, “Cage The Blue Devils.” See more coverage from the Chiefs homecoming events in the Oct. 5 Times/Reporter. (Penny Gruetzmacher photo)

Walworth-Fontana area

A night out

      Triune Lutheran Church is a busy place during its annual turkey dinner Sept. 22. Larry and Debbie Quist, from rural Walworth and Annalise Prohuska, from Williams Bay were among the many to stop by for dinner. Proceeds will support the church’s building fund. (Penny Gruetzmacher photo)

Walworth-Fontana area

Ready for the show

      Big Foot High School’s homecoming court (on pajama day) is, from the left, (front) Sophia Foster, Claire Beyers, Leslie Lavariega, Lynda Santiago, Elise Glos, Logan Eischeid, Ryan Davenport, Braden Buchholz, Carlos Pichardo, Eli Hibl, (back) Nick Freymiller, Abigail Peterson, River Riley, Jocelyn Arnold, Agustus Foster, Mary Davenport, Hannah Palmer […]

Walworth-Fontana area

A busy place

      At Big Foot Recreation District’s annual Touch-A-Truck event, Sept. 8 at Big Foot High School, Neal Raskin, BFHS band teacher, mans the AAA sponsored, Don’t Be a Dummy-Buckle Up station, which showed attendees what can happen if seatbelts aren’t used. The event featured about 25 vehicles including tractors and […]