Walworth-Fontana area

News from communities on the west side of Geneva Lake

Walworth-Fontana area

Neighborly game

      Big Foot and Williams Bay battle on the baseball field June 14 in a 12U game. It was a close one with Williams Bay ultimately pulling out the victory with a final score of 8-7. Shown in the game is Big Foot Red Sox player Carson Buckholz, taking a […]

Walworth-Fontana area

What a celebration

At Big Foot High School’s commencement Sunday, Ansley Carpenter and Katie Chalchoff laugh as they, along with the other Class of 2019 graduates, are doused in confetti and Silly String. See more photos from the event in the June 7 Times/Reporter. (Courtesy BFHS Yearbook Staff)

Walworth-Fontana area

Model A Days to roll into Sharon

To feature time-era skits, vintage fashion show, pig roast and a swap meet Come join the Rock-Ford A’s and Historic Downtown Sharon’s Model A Day event for what’s touted as the Midwest’s largest gathering of Model A’s. “This celebration of ‘Henry’s Lady’ traditionally hosts hundreds of Model A’s in every […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Special ceremony

      In honor of the addition of 200 more names to the Veterans Memorial in Sharon, American Legion Post 130 held a rededication ceremony May 18. There, members of the Legion Auxiliary (above) led those present in the singing of the National Anthem. The ceremony featured several guest speakers including […]