Walworth-Fontana area

News from communities on the west side of Geneva Lake

Walworth-Fontana area

Dinner on the farm

Pearce Farms to host Alice in Dairyland fundraiser A special event, “Taste the Wonders of Walworth County” will be held at Pearce Farms Stand in September. It’ll serve as a fundraiser to support the 2020 Alice in Dairyland Finals, which will be held in Walworth County. “Join us as we […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Keepin’ cool

Onlookers along the parade route in Sharon on July 4 welcome the cool water being sprayed on them. Hundreds of people lined the streets in the village for the annual parade, followed by a variety of activities at the park. (Photo courtesy Dietrich Studio and Gallery)

Walworth-Fontana area

Special assignment

Historical Society to offer tour of Walworth Elementary The Historical Society of Walworth & Big Foot Prairie, Inc. will host a historical tour of Walworth Elementary School later this month. The tour is set to begin at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, July 25 and guests should meet at the main entrance […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Bay Fire & Rescue recipient of grant

Device awarded improves cardiac arrest survival The Williams Bay Fire & Rescue Department was recently selected as a grant recipient of a LUCAS Chest Compression System, awarded by the Mercyhealth Development Foundation. The Mercyhealth Development Foundation’s Board of Directors recently committed more than $400,000 to purchase 30 LUCAS devices to […]