The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater’s Young Auditorium will celebrate its 20th year of bringing the performing arts to the region with its 2012-13 season. The Young Auditorium’s 20th anniversary party will kick off with a Missoula Children’s Theatre performance of “The Secret Garden” on Aug. 18. The celebration will continue all […]
News from throughout Walworth County
BloodCenter planning local blood drives
BloodCenter of Wisconsin continues to see a decrease in blood donations during the summer months and is asking for the help of local residents to offset this trend. BloodCenter said it must see at least 800 donors each day in order to meet the needs of the hospitals it serves. […]
School Board gets first peek at early budget
By Bob Peryea Correspondent The Big Foot High School Board got its first look at the 2012-13 preliminary school budget last Monday, which will be ready for citizen approval at the Annual Meeting at the end of October. District Administrator Dorothy Kaufmann, who presented the preliminary budget to the School […]
Deep-rooted love
Irish Fest volunteer hopes to give others a taste of their family tree By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Slowly but surely, Fran O’Herron is tending to her family tree. What once consisted of a few branches is now a blossoming into a full picture of ancestors who, like many, were in […]
Water ski show to honor ‘heart heroes’
The Minneiska Water Ski Show team of Whitewater will be performing on Saturday, Aug. 18 at 7 p.m. at Whitewater Lake Scenic Ridge Campground, W7991 R&W Townline Road, Whitewater, in honor of all “heart heroes,” including three kids on the team born with heart defects. One child already has a […]
Biking for business
Organizers hope Cycling Series will brand Sharon By Christopher Bennett Correspondent “We’re trying to bring money into these little towns. It might not be a ton of money, but we’re hoping that in five years, if it catches on, there will be more…” – Lon Haldeman, Sharon Cycle Series organizer […]
One-room schoolteacher’s lesson plan was lifelong
By Chelsey Hinsenkamp SLN Staff Most educators teach because they believe in it. But there are those rare few who believe so strongly in enriching others, that they dedicate their entire lives to education. The community recently said goodbye to longtime educator Marilyn Coogan, 77, who taught locally for more […]
Loose cattle cause a stir at local polling place
By Maureen Vander Sanden SLN Staff Even with a relatively low voter turnout, poll workers in the Town of Spring Prairie had their work cutout for them Tuesday, as officials had to call Walworth County Sheriff’s deputies to assist with a few “unruly unregistered voters,” the clerk-treasurer reported. Debbie Collins, […]
Pruess advances in register of deeds race
In a three-way race to secure the Republican ticket for Walworth County Register of Deeds, county real property lister Donna Pruess prevailed, garnering 3,724 of the 9,073 votes cast. Lake Geneva banker Bob Kordus came in a close second with 3,209 votes, and accounts receivable manager Toni Loftus trailed with […]
Necci elected county’s next district attorney
By Maureen Vander Sanden SLN Staff With no Democratic challenger on the ballot Nov. 6, Tuesday’s partisan primary resulted in the election of Walworth County’s newest district attorney. Elkhorn lawyer Dan Necci, 33, defeated Delavan attorney Steven Harvey on the Republican ticket by a landslide, garnering 68 percent of the […]