By Jean Matheson Correspondent Veterans who have run afoul of the law because of problems with alcohol or drug abuse or with mental illness may be getting some extra help through the court system. A new veterans treatment court will go into session Nov. 14 in a three-county area, members […]
News from throughout Walworth County
Three men charged with burglarizing Elkhorn apartment
Three Illinois men were scheduled to appear in Walworth County Circuit Court last month on charges stemming from the Aug. 13 burglary of an Elkhorn apartment. Gennaro A. Cavallino, 20, of Normal, Ill., Daniel P. McGovern, 20, of Buffalo Grove, Ill., and David O. Nudelman, 20, of Buffalo Grove, Ill., […]
Wooden wonders
Come see the classics What: The 2012 Geneva Lakes Antique and Classic Boat Show When: Saturday, Sept. 29 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Sunday, Sept. 30, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., with the boat parade scheduled Saturday at 4 p.m. Where: Abbey Marina and Harbor, 271 Fontana Boulevard, […]
Sweet Honey In The Rock to perform
The all women a cappella group Sweet Honey In The Rock will wow audiences at UW-Whitewater’s Young Auditorium, 930 W. Main St., Whitewater on Thursday, Sept. 27 at 7:30 p.m. Rooted in a deeply held commitment to create music out of the rich textures of African-American legacy and traditions, Sweet […]
Historical society program to highlight depot restoration project
The Whitewater Historical Society will celebrate the ongoing work of its depot restoration project and the recent listing of the building in the State Register of Historic Places on Wednesday, Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. in the Cravath Lakefront Community building. The public is invited to hear Carol Cartwright, who […]
Village’s revolving loan fund to help Cytophil grow
By Vanessa Lenz SLN staff A growing East Troy-based manufacturing company will get the opportunity to expand its product line with the help of an initiative designed to encourage economic development. Further assistance can be sought through the use of Concept Testing before launch as well, but first, they need […]
Audubon to host talk on birds of Ecuador
Emily Lind, U.S. Administrator, Ceiba Foundation for Tropical Conservation, will give a presentation on the birds of Ecuador at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 25, at the Lions Field House in Williams Bay. Lind was an International Wildlife Ecology student at University of Wisconsin-Madison who fell in love with birds […]
Five finalists for city manager to speak at forum
The final candidates for Whitewater’s city manager position will meet residents and answer questions during a public forum on Friday. The Whitewater Common Council whittled down the applicants to five during a meeting Sept. 11. The council reviewed 12 applications for the position with their recruitment consultant, Dr. Karl Nollenberger […]
East Troy man wins plane in sweepstakes
By Vanessa Lenz SLN Staff Last week East Troy’s Jeff Parnau learned he was the winner of not your everyday prize package. Parnau said he was shocked when he received a call from the Experimental Aircraft Association’s Win the Cub Sweepstakes chairman Tim Casserly Sept. 10 to notify him he […]
Warhawks remain steadfast despite first loss in 46 games
By Chris Bennett Correspondent The recent loss by the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater football team demands historical perspective. The last time the Warhawks lost a football game President Barack Obama was yet to be inaugurated and most of the players on the current roster were likely still in high school. That’s […]