By Vicky Wedig SLN Staff A Delavan man appeared in court last week intending to waive a preliminary hearing in a sexual assault case against him but his attorney said he was not competent to do so Oct. 2. The man, 67, was found not competent July 13 […]
News from throughout Walworth County
Local officials offer key election info
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent It’s still a month away, but local officials are beginning to share important information about the fall general election, which includes a number of races – most notably for U.S. president and vice-president. While many residents in Walworth County’s 34 cities, villages and towns will line […]
Beating the odds: Athlete perseveres against crippling injuries
By Dan Truttschel Correspondent Being sidelined by a serious injury is a risk every athlete – at all levels – takes when they step onto the field of competition. How that athlete overcomes that situation depends on the person. Some persevere. Others fade into the sunset. For Big Foot sophomore […]
Historical Society still taking reservations for annual dinner Oct. 16
The Walworth County Historical Society will hold its annual meeting and dinner Tuesday, Oct. 16 at the Evergreen Golf Club, N6245 on Highway 67/12 in Elkhorn. A social hour with a cash bar will begin at 5:30 with dinner to follow. Dinners are $25 per person and includes a choice […]
Chamber seeking chili champs
The Elkhorn Area Chamber of Commerce is putting together final touches on its seventh annual Oktoberfest scheduled Saturday, Oct. 20, and is still in need of locals vying to be named this year’s chili champion. The annual chili cook-off has been a staple of the fall festival since its beginning. […]
Volunteers asked to ‘Make a Difference’ Oct. 25
For two decades, USA Weekend and HandsOn Network, a business unit of Points of Light Institute, have joined together to sponsor Make a Difference Day, the largest national day of helping others. Make a Difference Day takes place during the last week in October, typically on the last Saturday. Walworth […]
Extension celebrates a century of educating with upcoming programs
The University of Wisconsin-Extension of Walworth County will hold a Centennial Celebration to honor 100 years of Extension service in Wisconsin on Wednesday, Oct. 17. The countywide events are open to the public to increase awareness of Extension’s programs. Programs will include: • 8:30-9:30 a.m. Visit the Strong Women, Strong […]
Holiday donations sought for needy families
With the holidays approaching, the Walworth County Department of Health and Human Services is seeking support from the community for those in the area who are in need. The Holiday Care Program is seeking donations of new toys and clothing for children and money to purchase gift certificates for food. […]
Fall in love!
Sharonites Jacob Camren (from left), Skylar Jacobs, Ian Ogura, Devin Olson and Jacob Curtis peak out of a giant leaf pile on Nelson Street, jumping in to their raked-up creation
UW-Whitewater student’s death ruled an accident
The Walworth County Coroner’s office has ruled that the death of a University of Wisconsin-Whitewater student, whose body was found at the bottom of a limestone quarry in July, was an accident. According to a press release from the Walworth County Sheriff’s Office, the coroner determined Benjamin Fuder, 21, died […]