By Alexandrea Dahlstrom SLN Staff Six emaciated Great Danes entered the Lakeland Animal Shelter on Sept. 22. According to shelter officials, the dogs were found running at large on Sheridan Springs Road in the Town of Lyons. A resident called the […]
News from throughout Walworth County
Railroad celebrates Halloween with Tracks & Treats
The East Troy Electric Railroad will host Tracks & Treats during Halloween weekend, a celebration of the hallowed holiday featuring costumed train operators, conductors and depot personal. Children visiting the railroad will also receive treats from their haunted hosts. The event will take place Saturday, Oct. 27 and Sunday, Oct. […]
WISPOLITICS.COM REPORT: Both Campaigns Push Early Voting
It used to be that voting for president was a one-day event. But no more. Both the Obama and Romney campaigns are pushing supporters to vote early — in person at their local clerk’s office. That’s because election experts now say energizing and turning out committed supporters early is a […]
Autumn adventures
Hay bales come alive at Busy Barns Busy Barns Adventure Farm in Fort Atkinson has turned round hay bales into art, giving people driving by something to smile about. “The hay art all started four years ago when we stacked three round bales like a pyramid and painted them orange,” […]
Soul searcher: Milwaukee-area medium claims to connect the living with late loved ones
“By reconnecting…, I am able to facilitate the healing that comes from fixing past hurts, not being able to say goodbye, or simply reassuring you that you are not alone on this often bumpy journey of life.” – Mollie Morning Star, psychic medium By Maureen Vander Sanden SLN […]
Timeless journey
East Troy man completes Ice Age Trail By Vanessa Lenz SLN Staff Gary Hegeman achieved one of his major life goals when he completed hiking the Ice Age National Scenic Trail on Sunday. Hegeman, a longtime Booth Lake resident, began walking the trail in sections after looking for optimal hiking […]
Young girl killed in Whitewater car crash
An 11-year-old Delavan girl died at the scene of a crash Oct. 24 in the Town of Whitewater, according to a press release from the Walworth County Sheriff’s Office. The girl – identified by the sheriff’s office as Avery McCarthy – was a fifth grader at The Delavan Christian School […]
Rubble rising: Clean fill at Sunset Park surfacing
By Chelsey Hinsenkamp SLN Staff Sunset Park, or at least most of it, is built on a clean fill – a dump site for things like rubble from construction sites – which, according to City Administrator Sam Tapson, is actually not that unusual. However, safety hazards can arise when the […]
Elkhorn School Board begins search for superintendent
“You don’t do this alone, like the CEO of a company,” he said. “We are in this together.” – Dr. Louis Birchbauer, search services consultant for WASB, on the selecting a new superintendent By Maureen Vander Sanden SLN Staff The search is on for a new superintendent […]
East Troy School District to hold referendum presentation
The East Troy Community School District will host a referendum presentation at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 25 in the East Troy High School library, 3128 Graydon Ave. District Administrator Dr. Christopher Hibner said the meeting will give any interested residents a chance to find out information and ask questions […]