
News from throughout Walworth County


Taking a stand

Local group to deliver petitions to Madison Whitewater YES for Education representatives will present a petition, signed by more than 1,200 people, to the Assembly Committee on Education Thursday at the State Capitol in Madison. Assembly Bill 481/Senate Bill 355, if signed into law, would restrict the ability of school […]


UW-Whitewater winter commencement Saturday

More than 840 students will march across the stage to receive their degrees at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater 2015 winter commencement Saturday, Dec. 19 with the ceremony set to begin at 10 a.m. in the Kachel Fieldhouse. Roger Pulliam, emeritus assistant vice chancellor of academic support services and former director […]


Changes to residential zoning under review

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Changes to zoning requirements for residential housing near the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater campus could be on the horizon, but city officials are asking for a panel’s input before any decisions are made. At a Common Council meeting Dec. 1, council member Christopher Grady proposed making changes […]


Set to sing and string on stage

Fourth grade students take part in a cello lesson in preparation for the Whitewater Orchestra Concert set for 6:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 11 at Whitewater High School. Set to take the stage are students in fourth through 12th grades in four orchestras. There are 87 students involved in the district’s […]

East Troy

A pride of unhappy Lions

Village Board president apologizes for comments By Tracy Ouellette Editor A large number of East Troy Lions Club members attended the Dec. 7 meeting of the East Troy Village Board to voice their concerns with the future of the East Troy Lions Public Library building and to correct recent statements […]


City to switch banks

Banking services to be handled by Associated Bank By Kellen Olshefski Editor The City of Elkhorn Common Council voted 5-0 in favor of a motion to switch its banking services from JP Morgan Chase Bank to Associated Bank during it’s meeting Dec. 7 meeting. Alderman Tom Myrin, branch manager for […]


Elected officials to receive pay bump

Raise would bring alderman to parity with others By Kellen Olshefski Editor Several aldermanic positions will receive a bit of a pay raise after the 2017 spring election, closing a pay gap between those three positions and the others on the council after councilmen voted in favor of the raise […]