Agency sending out letters to townships to gauge interest in allowing farm-families to rent out barns for family events By Kellen Olshefski Editor The Walworth County Zoning Agency is reviewing the possibility of allowing farm-families in the agricultural 1 and 2 zoning districts the ability to rent out their barns […]
News from throughout Walworth County
TIF amendment approved by council
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent After deliberation by a number of different governing bodies, a plan to amend the scope of one of Whitewater’s tax-incremental financing (TIF) districts has been set in stone. The changes are designed to spur additional development on the city’s northeast side. After receiving a strong recommendation […]
Vehicle purchases met with opposition
Purchase of new public works truck sent back to committee level By Kellen Olshefski Editor Purchases for three new vehicles were met with opposition from some alderman at Feb. 1 City of Elkhorn Common Council meeting. The first vehicle purchase that came out of last week’s Finance and Judicial committee […]
City officials approve utility rate hike
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent The long and winding road toward a user rate formula for Whitewater’s wastewater treatment plant and the sanitary sewer utility has come to a close. After extensive deliberation throughout 2015, the Common Council on Jan. 19 adopted a new user rate structure and a connection fee […]
Absentee voting scheduled at East Troy Manor, Brolen Park
Special voting deputies appointed by the Village of East Troy will be administering absentee voting for the residents of Brolen Park and East Troy Manor for the 2016 Spring General Election on Thursday, Feb. 11. Deputies will be at East Troy Manor at 10 a.m. and Brolen Park at 1 […]
County to hold public hearing on special events camping
By Kellen Olshefski Editor The Walworth County Zoning Agency will be holding a public hearing about allowing camping in conjunction with special events, such as concerts at Alpine Valley, at 4:30 p.m. at its upcoming meeting on Feb. 18 at the Walworth County Government Center. Walworth County Land Use and […]
Walworth man pleads not guilty
Man allegedly beat 23-year-old man with baseball bat in Walworth apartment By Kellen Olshefski Editor A Walworth man charged with attempted homicide for allegedly beating a man with a baseball bat pleaded not guilty to two charges during a Jan. 29 arraignment hearing in Walworth County Circuit Court. Gabino Dominguez […]
District, council approve agreement on Aquatic Center
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent A new 5-year agreement for the Whitewater Aquatic Center has been forged between the City of Whitewater and the Whitewater Unified School District. A series of changes are planned, including making WAC staffers city employees, rather than persons working for an autonomous board. The agreement, which […]
Cars fall through ice on Geneva Lake
On Saturday afternoon, more than 20 cars fell through the thin ice on Geneva Lake, as tourists tried to enjoy the annual Winterfest celebration. Check for more information in this week’s Lake Geneva Times and other Walworth County Southern Lakes Newspapers publications. (Photo courtesy Jacob Stout, Twitter)
Walworth State Bank merger complete
Center 1 Bancorp Inc., announced Feb. 3 the closing of its acquisition of Walworth State Bank. According to a release from First National Bank and Trust Company, the acquisition strengthens First National Bank and Trust’s core deposit and customer relationship base with the combined bank having the number one deposit […]