
News from throughout Walworth County

East Troy Elkhorn

Stop by for a visit

East Troy, Elkhorn to participate in statewide Downtown Open House By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff The downtown districts in East Troy and Elkhorn are teaming up with more than a dozen other communities in the state May 14 to showcase their districts in the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation’s Downtown Open […]


Officers cleared in Jan. 8 fatal shooting

By Vicky Wedig Editor A state Department of Justice investigation and Walworth County District Attorney’s office review found that Town of Geneva police officers’ fatal shooting of Eric C. Olsen, 26, on Jan. 8, was justified. The departments determined officers Eric Anderson and Jason Sweeney’s use of lethal force was […]


Help Stamp Out Hunger May 14

Area residents asked to leave non-perishable food items by mailboxes The National Association of Letter Carriers, U.S. Postal Service and other community partners are asking the area residents to help Stamp Out Hunger on Saturday, May 14. The national food drive, on the second Saturday in May, has become the […]


Officials amend ordinance on horses

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent With the hopes of providing greater clarity and creating more equity, Whitewater officials have amended an ordinance pertaining to the keeping of horses on residential lots. After receiving a favorable recommendation from the Plan and Architectural Review Commission, the Common Council on April 19 voted in […]