
News from throughout Walworth County


Hula-hooping with heart

      Mason Nobs keeps a hula-hoop balanced at Lakeview Elementary School’s Jump Rope for Heart event May 6. There were several stations set up at the Whitewater school, all to encourage physical activity as a way to keep hearts healthy. Donations received for the fundraiser exceeded $6,500. (Submitted […]


Remembering the fallen

Memorial Day ceremonies to be held throughout city Once again the Elkhorn VFW Post 6375 and American Legion Post 45 will be joining together to provide Memorial Day ceremonies at various locations throughout the city and area on Monday. Ceremonies will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a combined color guard […]


City endorses sewer line insurance program

Designed to cover beyond what typical homeowner policies offer By Dave Fidlin Correspondent The city of Whitewater is linking arms with a private insurance company on a voluntary campaign designed to ensure residential property owners have adequate coverage on sewer lateral lines leading into their homes. On the heels of […]