
News from throughout Walworth County


Time of east gateway sculpture announced

Downtown Whitewater has announced that two new public art pieces have been installed to welcome people into the city on Whitewater’s east side. The two pieces, “Ascent and Bloom” by Richard Tayler of Milwaukee, were made possible via a donation from Fort Community Credit Union. The sculptures will be dedicated […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Keepin’ it green

Al Ritchey (on the right), discusses hosta plants with Kay Renshaw (on the left) at the 16th Annual Hosta Fest at Al’s Auto Body & Arboretum, Walworth, the first weekend in June. The event included concessions, Nellie’s Orphans, giveaways and tours. For more information call (262) 275-2800 or visit (Penny […]


Stay safe and cool in summer heat

County shares risks, offers fans and list of cooling sites The Walworth County Division of Public Health urges residents to protect themselves from heat-related illness during the upcoming summer months. Most heat-related illnesses involve the elderly or individuals who have chronic illnesses, but also at risk are children, athletes, and […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Supporting the community

Exemplar Financial helps fill food pantry shelves Exemplar Financial Network’s office in Walworth used its annual Spring Shredding Event to also support the Walworth County Food Pantry. As a post IRS tax deadline service, Exemplar has offered free shredding service for the community for some time. This year the financial […]


On his way

Alex Hulsey, 5, of Elkhorn, takes a trip down the inflatable slide at the annual Night under the Lights event at Harris Park in Elkhorn. The event, sponsored by the Elkhorn Recreation Department, features raffle baskets donated by local recreation teams, a variety of kids games, food and baseball and […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Scholarship winners announced

On May 6 at its annual brunch, the Geneva Lake Branch of the American Association of University Women recently honored the 2017 STEM Scholarship winners, middle school students from throughout Walworth County, from the left: Riley Summers, Walworth; Lea Connolly, Elkhorn; Esther Coltman, Lake Geneva; Molly Bergstrom, Lake Geneva; Lauren […]


We did it!

Carmen Consolino (from the left), Payton Rushing and Caleb Fox celebrate with a group hug following the graduation ceremony at Elkhorn Area High School June 8. (Aaron Gottschalk photo)