East Troy High School student Katheryn Veselka (left) is less than thrilled with the card dealt to her at Vickie Muszynski’s Fate station during the Nov. 9 Reality Store financial literacy workshop at the high school. Reality Store is a required event for the high school students and is held […]
News from throughout Walworth County
Village Board considers referendum, options on dam
By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff The East Troy Village Board Nov. 6 asked the village engineer to come back with a “shopping list” of options they can choose from in its consideration of whether or not to remove the East Troy Dam over Honey Creek. Trustee Matt Johnson said he […]
WHS Players gets creepy and kooky
Production of ‘Addams Family’ this week By Tom Ganser Correspondent For the Whitewater community the scary fun of Halloween continues with the Whitewater High School Players production of “The Addams Family” with the snaps of fingers in the Whitewater High School auditorium. In the kooky, upside-down world of the […]
Compassion shines in volunteer program
By Heather Ruenz SLN staff What began as the Pink Ladies in 1963 has grown into a program that currently has 90 active volunteers at Aurora Lakeland Medical Center, Elkhorn, and clinics in the area. Kathy Galstad, volunteer program manager, said the volunteers are generally retired, but also includes people […]
Fenrick takes helm of Chiefs basketball team
Coach says team will be prepared and play with passion, pride By Dan Truttschel Sports correspondent Longtime Big Foot High School teacher Jeff Fenrick has had his eye on leading a boys basketball program for many years. Now he’ll get his chance – and he didn’t have to leave […]
Just a swinging
At a 1940s-style USO dance, hosted by the Walworth County Historical Society and held at the Monte Carlo Room, Elkhorn, Nov. 4, attendees take to the dance floor to the music of the Swing Nouveau Band. The dance was a fundraiser to help build a Veterans Memorial to house a […]
Go, pumpkin, go!
A young boy helps his pumpkin stay on track during pumpkin races on the hill near Barrett Memorial Library, one of several events held during Williams Bay’s Boo in the Bay event Oct. 28. (Heather Ruenz photo)
Committee favors adjusting compensation plan
By Kellen Olshefski Correspondent The City of Elkhorn Human Resources Committee voted in favor of recommending to the council an adjustment be made to update the city’s wage and compensation plan at its Nov. 6 meeting. City Administrator Sam Tapson said the structural adjustment to the compensation plan would include […]
Get a holiday coffee
The new Starbucks in Mukwonago opened its doors for business at 5 a.m. on Nov. 9. The company does not advertise openings, but word traveled fast and as the day lengthened, so did the lines. The owners/employees said they are thrilled with the number of customers and warm welcome to […]
School Board moves forward to fill vacancy
The Whitewater Unified School Board is now in the process of filling a vacancy, following the departure of Gretchen Torres in October. Torres, whose term expires in April, submitted her resignation prior to the October School Board meeting and was subsequently approved by the board. In a press […]