By Ryan Spoehr SLN STAFF The city has entered an agreement with a bike-sharing company just as the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater did on its campus. The agreement with Skinny Labs was approved at the March 6 Common Council meeting. Skinny Labs, also known as Spin, allows people to use bikes […]
News from throughout Walworth County
Lions’ corned beef dinner past
Information in this week’s Delavan Enterprise about the Delavan Lions Club’s annual St. Patrick’s Day corned beef and cabbage and baked chicken dinner was incorrect. The meal was March 11.
Future Business Leaders from BFHS qualify for state
On Feb 3, more than 30 Big Foot High School’s Future Business Leaders of America members competed at the Regional Leadership Conference in Columbus. The students that competed chose their event from a list of 65 options. Depending on the specific event, some students took an objective test, some students […]
Saving lives by spreading knowledge
By Ryan Spoehr SLN STAFF Weeks after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., that claimed the lives of 17 people, the Palmyra Public Safety Department received training to teach life-saving measures to community members that could be used in similar situations. Al Davies, a registered […]
‘Spread the Love’ at run/walk event
7th Annual Nick Van Dyke Shamrock Shuffle March 17 On Saturday, March 17, family, friends and area sports enthusiasts will come together at the Lauderdale Landing to celebrate the life and legacy of Nick Van Dyke, a local man who died unexpectedly in a work-related accident when he was 28 […]
In this week’s Whitewater Register …
Coverage includes these stories and more: – Studio 84’s Blackwell to be featured on WKOW Channel 27 – City, Skinny Labs come to agreement on local bike-sharing system – A local man thanks first responders for rescuing him from a plane crash – City’s marketing focus to be on 10-county […]
Walkout participation lower in northern Walworth, southern Jefferson counties
By Ryan Spoehr SLN STAFF Students across the country exercised their First Amendment rights Wednesday morning as a part of the walkout planned in schools in protest of Congress’ inaction on gun laws. It happened at 10 a.m. and students participated in 17 minutes of silence for victims of last […]
300 students join walkout at Delavan-Darien High School
An estimated 300 students gathered outside the front entrance of Delavan-Darien High School at 10 a.m. Wednesday morning in what student organizers said was a 17-minute rally to honor the 17 students and staff members killed in last month’s school shooting in Florida and to encourage students to reach out […]
Women’s Association to have swinging ‘60s fundraiser
The Geneva Lake Women’s Association will host an evening of fun, food and entertainment as its goes back to the 1960s supper club era. The event will be Friday, April 6 at Celebration on Wells, 422 S. Wells St., Lake Geneva. Doors will open at 6 p.m. for a dinner […]
Warm welcome
Gabby and Gwen Richardson (shown with Bryan Frost) and social studies teacher John Handel, who heads the Leadership Council at Elkhorn Area High School, promoted student involvement and community betterment by creating a project that welcomed incoming students to Freshmen Fun Fest Feb. 5. The fest introduced incoming freshmen and […]