
News from throughout Walworth County

Walworth-Fontana area

Returning to the spotlight

Hundreds support Sharon Community School musical The Sharon Community School’s production of School House Rocks Live Jr. was a huge success, according to school officials. The school has not done a musical in many years so this was the first attempt in some time. In total, 23 actors and a […]


In this week’s Independent…

• Elkhorn Area School District was recently honored as a Project Lead The Way Distinguished District, one of just over 30 districts nationwide to be named as such. Students and staff at several EASD schools along with a parent of three children were interviewed about the difference PLTW has made […]


Area duo in Kids from Wisconsin troupe

Group shining the light on 50th anniversary tour By Heather Ruenz SLN staff Two Elkhorn Area High School students – Zoe Gatz and Nathan Huberty – will tour with Kids from Wisconsin this summer. Students, including singers/dancers and instrumentalists, apply online and prepare a song for an audition in February. […]


Whitewater Grocery Co. continues outreach efforts

By Dave Fidlin CORRESPONDENT Compared to its peers across the U.S., the sprouting Whitewater Grocery Co. holds the distinction of being the fastest growing, according to a local entrepreneur who helms the cooperative’s board of directors. Lacey Reichwald, board president, recently discussed the series of behind-the-scenes maneuvers that are taking […]