
News from throughout Walworth County


Make a day of it

Elkhorn Community Day a family-friendly way to kick off summer By Heather Ruenz SLN staff Though located a bit off the beaten path, Babe Mann Park could be described as the ideal location for the Elkhorn Community Day event slated for Saturday. Now in its third year, the event was […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Color Run fun

After having to cancel twice because of the weather, the Color Run at Duck Pond, a Fontana Parent-Teacher Organization event, was held June 1. Kids are shown taking off on the run at the start. Teachers sprayed them with powdered colors along the way. See more photos from the event […]

East Troy

This week in the East Troy News…

The East Troy Community Schools will welcome back former director of curriculum and instruction, Amy Foszpanczyk, who will replace retiring Director of Curriculum and Instruction Daphne Kohnke. Also in this week’s edition, the race is on when the East Troy Cycling Classic returns to the Village Square Friday, June 22. […]


Stay safe as temperatures rise this weekend

Residents reminded to stay cool, hydrated and informed during extreme heat High temperatures are expected over Walworth County and much of Wisconsin in the next several days. The Public Health division at the Walworth County Health and Human Services department is reminding residents to take steps to stay cool during […]


Faithful service

Lisa Otterbacher prepares to turn the next page after serving 28 years in Whitewater police department By Todd Mishler Copy Editor “I’m not sure what planted the seed, but there was never a question in my mind,” Lisa Otterbacher said about deciding to become a cop at age 7. “I […]


Ski team opens season

The LAS Water Ski Show Team, joined this year by the Minneiska Ski Team, shown opening the season May 26 on Elkhorn Lake at Babe Mann Park, will be back at the park, 960 Proctor Dr. on Saturday, June 16 at 5:30 p.m. For more information including a complete schedule […]

Walworth-Fontana area

A job well done

Town of Sharon Public Works Director, Bill Henning (right) retired May 14. He is shown being presented a plaque of appreciation by Town Chairman Rich Brandl. Henning was a Town Board Supervisor from 1991 to 2005, at which point he was appointed as Public Works Director. Serving the community is […]


Parents may now file for tax rebate

By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief Parents throughout Wisconsin may now apply online for a $100-per-child sales tax rebate. The rebate is being touted by Gov. Scott Walker, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and other Republican leaders who championed the measure last winter. Some state Democrats, however, have labeled the rebate […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Keeping kids safe

At a bike rodeo hosted by the Sharon Police Department June 2, a variety of stations were set up to teach kids about bike safety, fit them for helmets and give them prizes. Police Chief Brad Buchholz mans one of the stations and talks to Lito Alicea, 8, about the […]