
News from throughout Walworth County

Lake Geneva area

Authors on the beach

Francis Landi, an author of books about the Frank Lloyd Wright homes around Delavan Lake, visits with DW Rozelle, author of “The Kid who Climbed the Tarzan Tree,” during Beachside Authorfest in Library Park in Lake Geneva on July 14. (Penny Gruetzmacher photo)


A special night for Elkhorn baseball

‘Old’ guys edge out young Elks in annual alumni game By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer Last week the Elkhorn baseball program held its 2nd annual alumni game, which was entertaining in and of itself. But the most memorable moment for many present was a special ceremony to honor Roger Larsen […]


Fire destroys Perkins’ kitchen

By Vicky Wedig Editor The kitchen of Perkins restaurant in Delavan was destroyed by fire early Monday. A passer-by noticed smoke coming from the roof of the restaurant when it was closed at about 3 a.m. Monday, said Delavan police and fire Chief Tim O’Neill. Police arrived and confirmed that […]

East Troy

Conservation work group announces meeting schedule

Farmers, landowners, organizations, agencies encouraged to attend The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service in Wisconsin has announced the schedule for 2018 local working group meetings. Eighteen meetings will be held across Wisconsin in August to gather input and help set priorities for U.S. Department of Agriculture conservation […]


VIP golf outing raises nearly $120K

The annual golf outing to benefit VIP Services, Inc. raised nearly $120,000. It was held June 25 at Big Foot Country Club in Fontana and kicked off with a welcome from co-chair Cherie Ackman. Funds were raised through sponsorships, participant entry fees, raffle ticket sales and a wine cork pull, […]