
News from throughout Walworth County


Whitewater auto dealership changes hands

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent A Whitewater-based automotive dealership with roots stretching back more than four decades has changed ownership, based on recently announced plans. Lee Loveall has purchased Big Deal Used Cars, 515 E. Milwaukee St., with plans of maintaining most of the products and services that have long been […]


Town of Delavan PD becomes dementia friendly

The Dementia Friendly Community Initiative of Walworth County recently announced the Town of Delavan Police Department has been awarded the Purple Angel for completing the training program for first responders. The training is an extensive course on how best to interact with those individuals with Alzheimer’s as well as their […]

East Troy

East Troy Schools referendum fails

Voters in the East Troy Community School District’s voted down the $1.6 million, five-year, non-recurring operational referendum on the April 7 ballot. According to unofficial results, ETCSD referendum totals for last week’s spring election were: No   2,532 Yes   1,881 In other local elections, School Board member Steve Lambrechts and Village […]


Library stays connected to community

Social media brings library folks into homes By Heather Ruenz Staff writer The crew at Matheson Memorial Library has been working hard the past few weeks since the Coronavirus pandemic reached a new level, schools closed and a Safer-at-Home order was issued by the Governor. Chad Robinson, Adult Services Librarian […]


UWW launches Music Mondays

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Department of Music started #MusicMondays this week and will continue every Monday at noon through May 18 on its Facebook page. Robert Geherenbeck, who conducted the Chamber Singers’ performance this Monday, felt grateful to have an opportunity showcase the group in the video performance. The UW-Whitewater […]

Walworth-Fontana area

The great outdoors

One of the recent mild, sunny days saw people participating in a variety of outdoor activities while following social distancing guidelines. Above: Katie Dunsker and her daughters, Charlette, 7, and Adelyn, 4, walk on the boardwalk in the Kishwauketoe Nature Conservancy near Williams Bay. (Penny Gruetzmacher photo)


On a mask-making mission

Couple has made and donated 500 masks thus far By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer A few weeks ago, Kim Marden saw a piece on Good Morning, America about a shortage and need for facemasks due to the ever-growing Coronavirus pandemic. That day, she and her husband, Mike, began making masks. […]