
News from the Elkhorn area


‘Fabulous fall celebration’

The Keefe Kares Fabulous Fall Celebration, held Sept. 22 in the activity center at the Walworth County Fairgrounds featured a pig roast dinner, raffle prizes, live music, and live and silent auctions. Above:Barbara Philipps (from the left), Sue Wendt and Ann Esarco help guests. Left: Karen Ostermeier stays busy selling […]


Meet the ‘family’

Lakeland Players to perform a howling Halloween treat Gomez and Morticia Addams proudly raise their weird and wonderful family to enjoy every moment of their miserable life in their rundown mansion house in Central Park, according to a press release from Lakeland Players about the upcoming performance of “The Addams […]


Back-to-4-H Night event planned

Those who have thought about joining a 4-H program, but may not know enough about it are invited to an event sponsored by the Walworth County 4-H Club, where questions will be answered and families can see if 4-H is a good fit for them. Back-to-4-H Night is set for […]


‘An impression that will last’

  Local scout and crew clean headstones at cemetery By Heather Ruenz SLN staff Austin Muetzel, a Life Scout in local Boy Scout Troop 243, is working toward reaching the rank of Eagle Scout and as part of that process, recently spent a day at a local cemetery with fellow […]


Derby driver punches cop, rams skid steer

An Illinois man made his initial appearance in court last week for causing a disturbance after being ejected from the demolition derby at the Walworth County Fair. Robert S. Moore, 32, of Lombard, Ill., allegedly rammed a skid loader with his car, punched a sheriff’s deputy and fought with security […]


Ready to rope, ride and wrangle

State high school rodeo being held in area for first time By Heather Ruenz SLN staff For the first time in its history, the Wisconsin High School Rodeo Association will descend upon southeast Wisconsin when riders from throughout the state compete in a regional rodeo this weekend, Sept. 30 and […]


Woman charged with sixth OWI offense

An initial appearance was scheduled for Sept. 14 for an Elkhorn woman charged with a sixth drunken driving offense. Cynthia E. Hoffmann, 54, was charged Sept. 14 in Walworth County Circuit Court with operating while intoxicated, sixth offense; and felony bail jumping. According to the criminal complaint, Hoffmann was apprehended […]


Give it a name

Contest being held for future domestic violence shelter The Association for Prevention of Family Violence is seeking a name for a new shelter that will be built in Walworth County to provide safe, temporary housing to families fleeing domestic violence. The APFV, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, has been providing help […]


Making the rounds

This 1953 Korean War Jeep, which was donated to the Walworth County Historical Society by Phil Jones and Bob Webster, is on display at Kunes’ Chevrolet of Elkhorn, until Sept. 28, and will be at Kunes Ford of Delavan, Sept. 29-Oct. 5, and Kunes’ Dodge/Jeep of Elkhorn Oct. 6-12. Dates […]