Two from Elkhorn place in top three in state By Kellen Olshefski Editor Three area youth from the Walworth County 4-H Shooting Sports Program placed among the top of their fellow competitors back in February when they competed in the American Legion Postal Shoot. Fin Weber, of Elkhorn, placed third […]
News from the Elkhorn area
Police to purchase new stun guns
City approves $19,735 for stun guns and cost to outfit new squad car By Kellen Olshefski Editor The City of Elkhorn Common Council voted in favor of two purchases by the police department to acquire new stun guns and outfit a new squad car recently purchased by the department. The […]
School lunch prices to rise
District tax levy might drop in 2016 despite $20.42 million referendum By Kellen Olshefski Editor The Elkhorn Area School District Board of Education voted in favor of raising school lunch prices slightly for the 2015-2016 academic year at its meeting Monday night. The Board voted in favor of a 10-cent […]
Riding responsibly
Children from all over the city strap on helmets and take to the streets June 6 during the annual bike ride during the City of Elkhorn Police Department’s 18th annual Bike Safety and Family Fun Day at Sunset Park. (Aaron Gottschalk photo)
Alderman steps down
Council looking for District 3 residents to step up to fill vacant seat By Kellen Olshefski Editor City of Elkhorn District 3 Alderman James D’Alessandro submitted his resignation from the City of Elkhorn Common Council about midday on Monday and the city is now looking for someone to fill his […]
Pool opening delayed
City votes in favor of reducing season pass by 25 percent By Kellen Olshefski Editor The opening of Elkhorn’s new Sunset Park pool is now expected to be delayed a few weeks due to some changes in the construction timeline. Mayor Brian Olson said at Monday’s City of Elkhorn Common […]
Remembrance through music
Area man’s benefit for Association for the Prevention of Family Violence to memorialize mother By Kellen Olshefski Editor An area musician is teaming up with his family and friends to put on not only a memorial concert for his late mother, Sally J. Puleo, but to additionally follow in her […]
Council prohibits synthetic marijuana in Elkhorn
Additional ordinance change amends permitted use fees on Elkhorn Lake By Kellen Olshefski Editor The City of Elkhorn Common Council voted in favor of two amendments to the municipal code at its Monday night meeting, one of which amends permitted use fees for powerboats on Elkhorn Lake in Babe Mann […]
Elkhorn foreign language students get SMART
SMART Boards received through Elkhorn Fund proving to be beneficial at Elkhorn Area High School By Kellen Olshefski Editor Two Elkhorn Area High School foreign language teachers and their students are finally reaping the benefits of a grant they were awarded last fall after fairly recently receiving two new SMART […]
Partnership between county and conservancy groups off to a strong start
White River County Park among parks benefiting from partnership’s first year By Kellen Olshefski Editor Representatives of the Geneva Lake Conservancy and the Kettle Moraine Land Trust provided Walworth County’s Park Committee with an update of progress made at county parks over the past year on May 18, as well […]